Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Teacher Talk Tuesday

Oh, gosh. When I think back to my first year of teaching...yikes! It was riddled with "rookie" mistakes. Here are a few tips to help those first year teachers!

1) Be. explicit. with. everything. Even if you can't believe you're explaining how to do something so simple. Like use a glue stick. But, it's needed and it'll save you hours of frustration in your future if you take the time to teach it right the first (and second...and third...) time.

2) Prioritize. When creating a To-Do list, prioritize! I heard somewhere that you should do the most "brain-intensive" tasks in the morning, when you are fresh and ready to take on the day. Leave the things like copying, cutting, and other mundane tasks for later in the day. Your brain will thank you!

3) Take time for yourself. Easier said than done, especially at the beginning of the school year. You get to a point in your day when it's way more important to sit back and watch The Real Housewives of Such and Such than to sit at your computer creating the lesson plan of the year.

4) Communicate. With students, colleagues and parents. People need to feel that connection to you -- communication is key to your success!

5) Smile! Think about the difference you are making. :)



  1. I can't agree more with #1. If you don't tell them to color with crayons, they'll try to use their glue sticks. And if you don't say to write their name on their paper with a pencil, they'll use their crayons! Even the littlest things are so very important!!!

    Ms. Preppy's Adventures in Primary and Polka Dots

  2. I totally agree that you need to be the best communicator!! This wins parents over and they are more supportive when you need to talk to them about a situation!!

  3. Wow! I absolutely ADORE your blog page . . . it made me want to take a closer look just by the way your page is designed. I'm not a teacher but work in a school. I'll be back!
